EU Lisbon treaty: "Irish didn't know what they were voting for. They just voted no to give their government a kicking. That shouldn't stop the treaty going ahead. UK shouldn't be given a vote, likewise Brits wouldn't understand what they're voting for either. Should be left to politicians. Brits voted for all this in the 1970s anyway so they shouldn't complain. The people who complain are those who are brainwashed by the Daily Mail".
Right wing response: how lovely to see the left's belief in democracy and respect for the people. Clearly no one is brainwashed by the guardian or the beeb, ever. Only clever people get their info from there, clearly. Why not cancel all future elections now, the people are obviously too stupid not to vote for the liberal-leftie marxists, so why let them.
Right wing response: how lovely to see the left's belief in democracy and respect for the people. Clearly no one is brainwashed by the guardian or the beeb, ever. Only clever people get their info from there, clearly. Why not cancel all future elections now, the people are obviously too stupid not to vote for the liberal-leftie marxists, so why let them.