I walked past an estate agent's window yesterday, spotted a house that I'm curious about so popped in to get a brochure. Of course I got collared to give all my details, along with when am I thinking about buying.
When I suggested that prices still had some way to fall, oh how they scoffed with a number of comments along the lines of "experts say the crunch is over" and "we are very much at the bottom of the cycle now" and so on.
Well, this sounds like excellent news! BOOMED!
Anyone else piling in now prices have troughed?
When I suggested that prices still had some way to fall, oh how they scoffed with a number of comments along the lines of "experts say the crunch is over" and "we are very much at the bottom of the cycle now" and so on.
Well, this sounds like excellent news! BOOMED!
Anyone else piling in now prices have troughed?