I did a classic one today.
I'm in a doctor's surgery, in their admin office. I'm installing a new PC in to the domain, so I need an unused static IP address (The site cannot use DHCP due to a clinical application that hates DHCP).
So, the practice manager turns on all the PC's for me and returns to the office.
She asks me "How are you going to choose an IP address ?"
Knowing that I have AngryIP on my USB pen, I sit down at her PC and say :
"Right. First step. I need to get my little tool out"
(meaning the USB pen from my pocket)
<cue pandemonium and giggles from the present ladies>
I tell ya, these medical secs may appear to be prim and proper, but they are seriously fun when they know someone.
Anyone else recall an anecdote when you innocously say X, but it easily translates in to smut ?
I love the UK's national sense of humour, replete with double entendres et al.
I'm in a doctor's surgery, in their admin office. I'm installing a new PC in to the domain, so I need an unused static IP address (The site cannot use DHCP due to a clinical application that hates DHCP).
So, the practice manager turns on all the PC's for me and returns to the office.
She asks me "How are you going to choose an IP address ?"
Knowing that I have AngryIP on my USB pen, I sit down at her PC and say :
"Right. First step. I need to get my little tool out"
(meaning the USB pen from my pocket)
<cue pandemonium and giggles from the present ladies>
I tell ya, these medical secs may appear to be prim and proper, but they are seriously fun when they know someone.
Anyone else recall an anecdote when you innocously say X, but it easily translates in to smut ?
I love the UK's national sense of humour, replete with double entendres et al.