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UK's record toll higher than Italy's worst day

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    UK's record toll higher than Italy's worst day

    “ There is no hiding from the fact that yesterday's announcement of 980 new UK deaths has surpassed Italy and Spain's worst days during this pandemic.

    Italy's highest daily death toll was 919 according to the latest figures, Spain's was 950.

    While these two countries are now seeing daily death figures coming down, the UK's have been closing in on 1,000 for several days - and the true death toll is likely to be higher once deaths not yet reported have been added in.

    Yet the NHS has not been overwhelmed in the way that Italy's hospitals appeared to be.”

    Coronavirus: UK urged to stay home despite sun after record deaths - BBC News

    Good question - WTF is happening

    Number of deaths in the UK seems to be accelerating upward whilst Italy is certainly showing a flattening curve.

    Still seeing pictures in the news (in UK) of people milling about in public spaces. Darwin awards aplenty.

    "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". Mark Twain




        We have a bigger population by Spain by approx 20 million and a bigger population than Italy by about 6 million so our death rate being higher in numbers isn't surprising.

        What would be angering is the percentage figures which we can't compare as we haven't done enough testing.
        "You’re just a bad memory who doesn’t know when to go away" JR


          Our handling of this Chinese virus has been world class, we have overtaken the Italians and the Spanish, thus proving our govt understands a pandemic and how to capitalise on it, unlike our more backward European cousins.


            Originally posted by scooterscot View Post
            Still seeing pictures in the news (in UK) of people milling about in public spaces. Darwin awards aplenty.
            You're allowed to do this in Germany, well you are here anyway. Picnics are allowed, going for a motorbike ride is allowed and some other things, as long as you keep your distance.

            Munich yesterday:

            Am Samstag bemerkten Beamte kurz nach ein Uhr „Partylärm“ aus einer augenscheinlich geschlossenen Gaststätte im Westend. „Nach mehrmaligen Klopfen und lautem Ansprechen der Polizisten öffnete schließlich der 23-jährige Betreiber der Lokalität die Tür und ließ die Beamten ein. In der Gaststätte konnten dann noch sechs weitere Personen angetroffen werden, die sich dort aufhielten und Getränke konsumierten“, teilt die Polizei mit.

            Glen Johnson on Instagram: “#socialdistancing #quarantine #quarantinelife #abstand #frankfurt #covi̇d19 #corona #coronavid19 #mainufer”

            Am Freitagabend haben mehrere Personen Polizist*innen massiv angegriffen. Gegen 21.15 Uhr beobachteten die Beamt*innen im Bereich der Frankfurt Ahornstraße Personengruppen, die sich nicht an die Vorschriften der Corona-Verordnung hielten.Zwecks Kontrolle kamen zwei weitere Streifen des Reviers hinzu. Als ein Streifenteam aus dem Auto stieg, prallte ein großer Stein gegen eine Seitenscheibe, die dadurch zu Bruch ging. Die Beamt*innen sahen daraufhin mehrere Personen wegrennen, konnten diese aber nicht mehr einholen.
            Eine zweite Streife wurde sodann kurz nach Verlassen ihres Fahrzeuges von etwa 20 Personen attackiert. Die Männer waren zum Teil mit Steinen, Dachlatten und Eisenstangen bewaffnet und bewegten sich drohend auf die Beamt*innen zu. Später wurden diese zudem mit einer 5-kg-Hantelscheibe beworfen – allerdings verfehlte diese ihr Ziel.
            Mit Unterstützung weiterer Polizeikräfte und unter Einsatz eines Polizeihubschraubers konnten die Beamt*innen eine Wohnung in der Ahornstraße lokalisieren, in die sich Teile der Tätergruppierung zurückgezogen hatten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ordnete die Durchsuchung der Wohnung an.
            Sechs Tatverdächtige im Alter von 23 bis 31 Jahren wurden vorübergehend festgenommen. Darüber hinaus stellten die Beamt*innen umfangreiches Beweismaterial sowie verbotene Gegenstände sicher. Neben diversen Waffen wie eine PTB-Schusswaffe, Katanas, Nunchakus, Dolche und Schlagringe nahmen die Beamten auch mehrere Messer, Feuerwerkskörper und Handys mit.

            Die Polizei hat ein Strafverfahren wegen tätlichen Angriffs auf Polizeibeamte, versuchte gefährliche Körperverletzung, besonders schweren Fall des Landfriedensbruchs und gemeinschädlicher Sachbeschädigung eingeleitet.
            Several people attacked police officers on Friday evening. Around 9:15 p.m., the officers observed groups of people in the Frankfurt Ahornstrasse area who did not comply with the provisions of the Corona Regulation.
            Two more strips of the area were added for control purposes. When a patrol team got out of the car, a large stone crashed into a side window, which broke as a result. The officers then saw several people running away, but could no longer catch up with them.
            A second patrol was then attacked by about 20 people shortly after leaving their vehicle. The men were partly armed with stones, roof battens and iron bars and were threatening to move towards the officials. Later, they were also thrown with a 5 kg weight plate - but this failed to achieve their goal.
            With the support of other police forces and using a police helicopter, the officers were able to locate an apartment on Ahornstrasse, into which parts of the perpetrator group had withdrawn. The public prosecutor ordered the apartment to be searched.
            Six suspects between the ages of 23 and 31 were temporarily arrested. In addition, the officers secured extensive evidence and prohibited items. In addition to various weapons such as a PTB firearm, katanas, nunchucks, daggers and brass knuckles, the officers also took several knives, fireworks and cell phones with them.
            There are good and bad in both countries
            Last edited by darmstadt; 11 April 2020, 12:19.
            Brexit is having a wee in the middle of the room at a house party because nobody is talking to you, and then complaining about the smell.


              Originally posted by SueEllen View Post
              We have a bigger population by Spain by approx 20 million and a bigger population than Italy by about 6 million so our death rate being higher in numbers isn't surprising.

              What would be angering is the percentage figures which we can't compare as we haven't done enough testing.
              Ooh careful now.

              Absolute figures are what the frothy mouthed want to compare, not the proportion of the population.


                Based to number of patients admitted to UK hospitals vs who died it is horrific ratio in the UK - my guess os that die to lack of testing it just made people wait at home until their condition was already bad, once this tulip is over the retrospective over this in comparison with Germany is not going to look pretty


                  It couldn't possibly be down to the alleged psychopath Cummings' Cunning Plan to solve the ongoing cost of care for the elderly, now could it?

                  No one could be that cold and calculating surely.

                  When the fun stops, STOP.


                    Originally posted by DoctorStrangelove View Post
                    It couldn't possibly be down to the alleged psychopath Cummings' Cunning Plan to solve the ongoing cost of care for the elderly, now could it?

                    No one could be that cold and calculating surely.

                    Brexit is having a wee in the middle of the room at a house party because nobody is talking to you, and then complaining about the smell.

