All the lights in the house are CFL not these new fangled LED things which blow up far too regularly.
Other than the halogen security lights amounting to about 3kW and the 100W bulb over the freezer in the Salting House and the 120W halogen over the etch tank in the shed.
And the two 15W bulbs in the refrigerators and the bulb in the fan oven.
All of which pales in comparison with the consumption of the dehumidifiers.
Other than the halogen security lights amounting to about 3kW and the 100W bulb over the freezer in the Salting House and the 120W halogen over the etch tank in the shed.
And the two 15W bulbs in the refrigerators and the bulb in the fan oven.
All of which pales in comparison with the consumption of the dehumidifiers.