Gammon: Why is this insulting term being used? | British GQ
Particularly the last paragraph which is very poignant.
"Much of this racism is oblivious, of course, but most racism is oblivious. It isn’t all shooting people in the face. To do that, you must first dehumanise them. And I can’t really think of a better modern example of dehumanisation than comparing your fellow voter to a pig because you don’t like his politics. For saying this, I will be called a Tory and worse. I’m not. I’m Labour. Compute that, comrades."
It's good to see this forum supports the use of hate speech.
Particularly the last paragraph which is very poignant.
"Much of this racism is oblivious, of course, but most racism is oblivious. It isn’t all shooting people in the face. To do that, you must first dehumanise them. And I can’t really think of a better modern example of dehumanisation than comparing your fellow voter to a pig because you don’t like his politics. For saying this, I will be called a Tory and worse. I’m not. I’m Labour. Compute that, comrades."
It's good to see this forum supports the use of hate speech.