Kudos, where kudos is due.
Having found you an insufferable German loving remaining pain in the arse who I have spent a number of years avoiding your posts due to the dire, boring drivel you've posted on this site, I have now read your Cryptocurrency thread.
Back in April 17, you called out that you thought the majority of us had ignored the whole Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency trend and I have to say you were right.
I personally, who have been a bit of a risk taker completely ignored what was happening and went into a whole world of alternative strategies including have a crap year not realising I had become addicted to gambling which has cost me rather a lot, which I have now hopefully kicked into touch.
Now it's not to say I am actually on board with the whole Cryptocurrency idea. I still think it's an emperor in new clothes, ponzi scheme, MLM scam. But as with all those schemes, it's the small amount who make a killing at the expense of the others.
And that's where I will give you kudos. Well done, you called it. Hope you make a killing.
In the words of Don King to Nigel Benn when he beat Gerald McClennan. "You made a believer out of me"
Having found you an insufferable German loving remaining pain in the arse who I have spent a number of years avoiding your posts due to the dire, boring drivel you've posted on this site, I have now read your Cryptocurrency thread.
Back in April 17, you called out that you thought the majority of us had ignored the whole Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency trend and I have to say you were right.
I personally, who have been a bit of a risk taker completely ignored what was happening and went into a whole world of alternative strategies including have a crap year not realising I had become addicted to gambling which has cost me rather a lot, which I have now hopefully kicked into touch.
Now it's not to say I am actually on board with the whole Cryptocurrency idea. I still think it's an emperor in new clothes, ponzi scheme, MLM scam. But as with all those schemes, it's the small amount who make a killing at the expense of the others.
And that's where I will give you kudos. Well done, you called it. Hope you make a killing.
In the words of Don King to Nigel Benn when he beat Gerald McClennan. "You made a believer out of me"