any advice on these..?
What should I do in next 2 weeks..? What you will do if you were in my situation (Honestly I am really enjoying this after few months in bench)
1. Keep on applying and attending interviews (& signing contracts) until you land on your office chair
2. Sign Offer-2 contract as well, because first one got SC process dependency and could delay if that process takes long
3. Join which ever role starts first takes you to your office desk. And say sorry to the other one and face legal issues if the agency press as you already signed contract. Also may face life long black list by the agency.
4. First one is signed already, so put all eggs in that basket and take risk by not signing second one though SC could be delayed
Please suggest what you will do..?. I am thinking of doing 1,2 &3.
What should I do in next 2 weeks..? What you will do if you were in my situation (Honestly I am really enjoying this after few months in bench)
1. Keep on applying and attending interviews (& signing contracts) until you land on your office chair
2. Sign Offer-2 contract as well, because first one got SC process dependency and could delay if that process takes long
3. Join which ever role starts first takes you to your office desk. And say sorry to the other one and face legal issues if the agency press as you already signed contract. Also may face life long black list by the agency.
4. First one is signed already, so put all eggs in that basket and take risk by not signing second one though SC could be delayed
Please suggest what you will do..?. I am thinking of doing 1,2 &3.