I once made the mistake of signing up to Facebook. To be honest, I connected with a fair few people but deactivated my account when I decided the whole Facebook thing is for people to show off how great their lives are.
Periodically I unwittingly reactivate it. I did this the other day when I signed into some site with my email address. Somehow, it associated this address with my supposedly dormant Facebook account and all of a sudden I'm snowed under with fecking status updates from people I haven't seen in 20 years.
So, can anyone please tell me how I can get FB to feck off forever without getting a new email?
Periodically I unwittingly reactivate it. I did this the other day when I signed into some site with my email address. Somehow, it associated this address with my supposedly dormant Facebook account and all of a sudden I'm snowed under with fecking status updates from people I haven't seen in 20 years.
So, can anyone please tell me how I can get FB to feck off forever without getting a new email?