Originally posted by Chuck
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Friends of mine get by on his fifty grand pension and that's managing ten acres with horses. They still find the cash for at least six holidays a year.
There is also a huge cost to working - the lunches, the travel, the coffees out every day, the little treats because you're knackered. It's at least a grand a month so out of an average ten grand contract income, take four off for the tax man, another one for the above, you're only left with five grand anyway and you've sold your whole life!
I LOVED contracting, did it for twenty years, and love what it's given me now which is freedom. I have to consider things like expensive hoidays a bit more carefully but big fat hairy deal. If I could find gigs which were a couple of days a week or a couple of weeks every other month I would have done them, but I am quite happy living my life.
Horses for courses. I would rather tighten my belt and enjoy the life. Others will work 'til they drop and be the richest people in the graveyard. Good luck to 'em, I'm going for a walk by the river now (c: