I need to go to the tip today, but I'll flytip this lot here first
Happy invoicing!
- American Hippopotamus - "This is a true story, and a very serious one, even though it’s composed of many details that will seem ludicrous and impossible… The idea was to import hippopotamuses from Africa, set them in the swamplands along the Gulf Coast, and raise them for food. The idea was to turn America into a nation of hippo ranchers.”
- Break Your Own News - HT to v8gaz for this handy tool for generating screenshots of an apparent news channel: ”Add your pic, write the headline and we'll go live to the scene. Sort of.”
- 5 Ways Powerful People Trick You Into Hating Protesters - How to deal with dissent when you rule the world: ”What you need is to get the majority on your side, against those vocal complainers. Fortunately for you, the "system" comes with a number of refined and subtle processes designed to make sure the complaints of the few get ignored by the many."
- Spherification (Making “Caviar”) - "Spherification is a modern molecular gastronomy technique that was first invented at El Bulli by Ferran Adria in 2003." An interesting technique for turning your dinner into a load of balls.
- Binging With Babish - While we’re on the subject of food, this YouTube channel shows you how to make meals seen in movies and TV shows, such as the pasta sauce Paulie makes in Goodfellas.
- R.I.P. Club Penguin, popular kids' social network and meme goldmine - "Club Penguin, the popular kids' social network where everyone has a penguin as an avatar, is shutting down after 12 years. It will be missed by the kids who grew up with it, as well as the teens and adults who trolled it and turned it into a rich source of memes." A sad loss
- Booted up in 1993, this server still runs -- but not for much longer - "Time is running out on a system that never had an unplanned downtime." Maybe Club Penguin runs on it?
- Lillian Alling, the Woman So Homesick She Walked From New York to Alaska - "Despite living in one of the mostly densely populated cities in America, Lillian Alling felt completely and utterly alone. A Russian immigrant, the 25-year-old Alling was introverted and reserved, furthering her sense of isolation. She perceived the New Yorkers of the 1920s to be aloof and elitist, looking down their noses at a foreigner struggling to feel like she belonged… Low on funds and desperate to return home, she packed a handful of possessions and began walking. Her plan was to make the more than 5000-mile trek on foot, refusing anyone who asked for an explanation.” It’s unclear whether she actually made it, but she may well have done
- The Brain’s Connections Shrink During Sleep - "This mass downscaling stops neurons from becoming saturated—which may be one of the reasons why sleep exists at all."
- In the 1960s, Adult Coloring Books Were Radical Texts - "The first adult coloring book, published in late 1961, mocked the conformism that dominated the post-war corporate workplace. Created by three admen in Chicago, the Executive Coloring Book show pictures of a businessman going through each stage in his day, as though teaching a child what daddy does at work. But the captions, which give instructions on how to color the image, are uniformly desolate. "
Happy invoicing!