Originally posted by AtW
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As jamesbrown points out, there have been very few real facts given out because we are talking about scenarios with too many variables.
What is an inescapable certainty is, however, that if we leave the EU we WILL have considerably more say, as voters, over who makes up our laws and who is accountable for our economic and social well-being. And if we are dissatisfied we have the means of changing it. Many might feel that this is something worth having in and of itself. I certainly do, and I sense that in the prevailing air of uncertainty, that an increasing number of other people may be feeling likewise.
The Government are certainly pulling out all the stops, but I think they are over-egging the pudding a bit and turning many people off. Particularly in light of the fact that the trust of the public in its political ruling elite seems to be at an all-time low.
It will be quite close I feel, and I still suspect that the Establishment will succeed in scaring enough voters into staying. However, we shall see before too much longer.