Originally posted by pjclarke
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"A free market solution" You and your ilk have made sure that no such thing will be allowed
The most prominent example of Ocean fertilisation came from a guy called Russ george who basically dumped iron sulphate into the ocean off the coast of canada. he was paid by a local fishing community to do this. It did have the effect of increasing the number of fish. However there were howls of rage from environmentalists, Ocean groups, and government that someone should tamper with the eco systems of the Oceans "for profit". Despite the fact that nature does this itself - only on a much larger scale Iron from the Sahara dust helps fertilize Atlantic Ocean | Earth | EarthSky George has been facing all sorts of aggression from the ECO zealots in government and Ocean institutions.
Instead of looking carefully at his experiment and working out the pros and how to overcome the cons Ocean fertilisation has been consigned to the bin - not because it fails to offer an antidote to growing CO2 levels or destruction of the Oceans but because it threatens the power and importance of those responsible for "looking after" our eco systems.
All your comments are from someone who is clearly selling an alternative/competitive solution not from someone who is concerned about climate change. If it were you would be asking the questions about the "problems" (all of which have answers) instead of doing your best to write them off.
Ocean Fertilization: A Dangerous Experiment Gone Right | PlanetSave