It never seems to occur to some here that the overall net benefit of migrants would actually be increased by a reduction in immigration, by restricting it to high performers who make a very significant positive contribution and taking none of those whose contribution is negative and who simply reduce the overall net benefit. The maths is not hard.
The issue should not really be about immigrants in general, nobody is saying (not even Farage) that highly skilled or qualified people are a problem. But why should we take in criminals, anyone who needs social housing or welfare, or low earners whose tax/NI contribution is not enough to cover their share of basic government costs?
The issue should not really be about immigrants in general, nobody is saying (not even Farage) that highly skilled or qualified people are a problem. But why should we take in criminals, anyone who needs social housing or welfare, or low earners whose tax/NI contribution is not enough to cover their share of basic government costs?