From the BBC's Have your say forum on Gordon Brown as the next PM
Added: Sunday, 10 September, 2006, 23:06 GMT 00:06 UK
Tony Blair is the towering political figure of the last dozen years. Unlike Thatcher, who was dispensed with by her party when she was clearly past her prime, Blair is still energetic, confident, visionary and relatively - not to mention respected everywhere in the world except here. Whilst you can't blame him for wanting to stand down - being PM must be a nightmarish task - he remains head and shoulders above any other candidate of any party for the job.
Stephen Hance, London
Hear, hear.
Added: Sunday, 10 September, 2006, 23:06 GMT 00:06 UK
Tony Blair is the towering political figure of the last dozen years. Unlike Thatcher, who was dispensed with by her party when she was clearly past her prime, Blair is still energetic, confident, visionary and relatively - not to mention respected everywhere in the world except here. Whilst you can't blame him for wanting to stand down - being PM must be a nightmarish task - he remains head and shoulders above any other candidate of any party for the job.
Stephen Hance, London
Hear, hear.