Patch Bash NOW: 'Shell Shock' bug blasts OS X, Linux systems wide open
Ok so this is a 22 year old exploit. Undetected for 22 years. Which means it's everywhere.
Uh huh. And I presume this is good news for Russia and ISIS and anyone else who hates the west.
All packaged up and ready to go for ease. How "professional"
Oh joy.
BBC News - Shellshock: 'Deadly serious' new vulnerability found
What I particularly "like" is
Poor sod.
And ...
Cybersecurity specialists Rapid7 rated the Bash bug as 10 out of 10 for severity, but "low" on complexity - a relatively easy vulnerability for hackers to capitalise on.
So the perfect storm then.
How far reaching?
Where there's muck there's brass?
So it would seem.
Is apple affected?
Well yes, but again they have far bigger issues on the face of it
Apple Rebuts Complaints of Bending iPhones - WSJ
So keep an eye out ...
I think the wider implication is on open source in general. The second problem in as many months.
Ok so this is a 22 year old exploit. Undetected for 22 years. Which means it's everywhere.
"Holy cow. There are a lot of .mil and .gov sites that are going to get owned," security expert Kenn White said on Wednesday in reaction to the disclosed flaw.
Proof-of-concept code for exploiting Bash-using CGI scripts to run code with the same privileges as the web server is already floating around the web. A simple Wget fetch can trigger the bug on a vulnerable system.
"A lot of wireless routers shell out to ping and traceroute – these are all likely vulnerable."
BBC News - Shellshock: 'Deadly serious' new vulnerability found
What I particularly "like" is
Similarly, the responsibility for Bash lies with just one person - Chet Ramey, a developer based at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio.
And ...
Cybersecurity specialists Rapid7 rated the Bash bug as 10 out of 10 for severity, but "low" on complexity - a relatively easy vulnerability for hackers to capitalise on.
How far reaching?
Some 500,000 machines worldwide were thought to have been vulnerable to Heartbleed. But early estimates, which experts said were conservative, suggest that Shellshock could hit at least 500 million machines.
Heartbleed was a bug related to open source cryptographic software OpenSSL. After the bug became public, major tech firms moved to donate large sums of money to the team responsible for maintaining the software.
Is apple affected?
Well yes, but again they have far bigger issues on the face of it
Apple Rebuts Complaints of Bending iPhones - WSJ
So keep an eye out ...
For general home users worried about security, Prof Woodward suggested simply keeping an eye on manufacturer websites for updates - particularly for hardware such as broadband routers.