As I am currently in a 3 month contract, with possible renewal [not confirmed yet, but likely as the business is growing all the time], but as I have not asked in the past for the agency margin on my current rate and T&Cs.
What are ppls advice to approaching this?
Would at renewal if comes to past, ask the client of what rate they are paying the agency and go from there?
Do the agency have a right to keep the margin to themselves [getting fobbed off], or would they get uptight about asking what their cut is>?
Going forward, on an example of another contract day rate, do you always ask what their cut is etc..?
What are ppls advice to approaching this?
Would at renewal if comes to past, ask the client of what rate they are paying the agency and go from there?
Do the agency have a right to keep the margin to themselves [getting fobbed off], or would they get uptight about asking what their cut is>?
Going forward, on an example of another contract day rate, do you always ask what their cut is etc..?