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Credit Checks

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    Credit Checks

    Hi - I'm new so apologies if this topic has already been covered.

    I have previously had a poor credit rating but have now settled the court judgements but obviously they are still on my credit record.

    My problems were caused by being out of contract at the beginning of 2009 as a result of the financial crisis and my husband having a breadkdown. But I'm back in contract and have cleared all debts and got certificates of satisfaction (and these are marked on the credit report). But the simple fact is that my credit report still shows the judgements.

    I've been in my current role for 18 months (a 6 month contract and a 12 month extension). They have just offered a new extension for next year but said this is subject to satisfactory credit checks. I've asked how they will use the check - is it a pass or fail type decision or will they use the information to make a judgement and give me a chance to explain? I'm being looked at as though I've done something dreadful and I'm now facing the prospect of being out of contract again (even though my line manager desperately wants to keep me).

    I haven't slept for days.

    So I'm looking for some advice:

    1. has anyone been checked at extension stage and been terminated?
    2. what are the legalities and do I have right of appeal?
    3. any other advice?

    My agency doesn't seem too bothered!


    Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
    Hi - I'm new so apologies if this topic has already been covered.

    I have previously had a poor credit rating but have now settled the court judgements but obviously they are still on my credit record.

    My problems were caused by being out of contract at the beginning of 2009 as a result of the financial crisis and my husband having a breadkdown. But I'm back in contract and have cleared all debts and got certificates of satisfaction (and these are marked on the credit report). But the simple fact is that my credit report still shows the judgements.

    I've been in my current role for 18 months (a 6 month contract and a 12 month extension). They have just offered a new extension for next year but said this is subject to satisfactory credit checks. I've asked how they will use the check - is it a pass or fail type decision or will they use the information to make a judgement and give me a chance to explain? I'm being looked at as though I've done something dreadful and I'm now facing the prospect of being out of contract again (even though my line manager desperately wants to keep me).

    I haven't slept for days.

    So I'm looking for some advice:

    1. has anyone been checked at extension stage and been terminated?
    2. what are the legalities and do I have right of appeal?
    3. any other advice?

    My agency doesn't seem too bothered!

    I would think that the client will only look at what has changed after you joined them. The chances are that all the judgements have been on your file prior to that, and hence they already know it and are okay with it.

    HTH. Dave.


      Originally posted by rd409 View Post
      I would think that the client will only look at what has changed after you joined them. The chances are that all the judgements have been on your file prior to that, and hence they already know it and are okay with it.

      HTH. Dave.
      Unforutantely I would disagree. There have been a couple of threads about people being credit checked after being with a client awhile recently. This could be down to the client restrospectively auditing people to make sure they are covered or possibly a change in role that requires it. Answers to your questions first...

      1. has anyone been checked at extension stage and been terminated?
      Dunno, never heard of it.
      2. what are the legalities and do I have right of appeal?
      None. This is a client security issue not a legal one
      3. any other advice?
      See below..
      My agency doesn't seem too bothered!
      They aren't as long as they get paid. They will sit up and take notice if you fail but that is only to get someone new.

      They are looking to make sure you are risk working with financial systems. Are you likely to access the systems fraudlently to get money from them to pay of your debts in desperate situations etc. I would say a managed debt is NOT an final issue for them. An unmanaged debt spiralling out of control is. This is not a Credit check.. it is to check you are trustworthy.

      If you have it covered and can demonstrate you have being paying it back and are stable I am sure you will be ok.

      The two points in addition to this I would make are...

      1. You should no longer be claiming mileage or subsistence from the minute you knew you would be there over 2 years. Read up on the 2 year rule (or 24 month rule).

      2. You can't sleep because you may be terminated? Really? I can imagine it will be stressful because of what happened to you before but it is part of contracting. IF you cannot face time on the bench, the end of contracts etc then you go permie. People will flame me for saying this but is contracting for you if time on the bench bankrupts you and the thought of bench time makes you ill??? I know there are mitigating circumstances, just asking like.
      'CUK forum personality of 2011 - Winner - Yes really!!!!


        Originally posted by rd409 View Post
        I would think that the client will only look at what has changed after you joined them. The chances are that all the judgements have been on your file prior to that, and hence they already know it and are okay with it.

        HTH. Dave.
        That would be my thoughts also, if the judgment was on there when you started the contract then surely nothing has changed and especially if you now have the certificates of satisfaction recorded


          Originally posted by northernladuk View Post
          2. You can't sleep because you may be terminated? Really? I can imagine it will be stressful because of what happened to you before but it is part of contracting. IF you cannot face time on the bench, the end of contracts etc then you go permie. People will flame me for saying this but is contracting for you if time on the bench bankrupts you and the thought of bench time makes you ill??? I know there are mitigating circumstances, just asking like.
          Unfortunately NLUK is right, you have had some previous bad luck thats put you in a poor financial position and you have used this contract to dig yourself out of the hole and well done to you for that but you need to look long term (which is not something you can do contracting) and maybe go permie for a while until your on a better financial footing to not have to worry about termination


            Thanks for the feedback.

            Unfortunately, going permie won't help because there are still credit checks to get a permanent position so I wouldn't get a job that way either - I know people who were asked to leave one finance institution after they had actually started.

            The mileage is sorted thanks (the extension would only take me to 21 months not 24).

            I've been contracting for 11 years and only had this one break which was due to extreme circumstances so am well used the pressures. The reason for the sleepless nights is because the company has introduced this retrospective check right out of the blue. I'm used to seeing writing on the wall for early terminations and also dealing with end of contracts but this is a bit different and maybe I'm a little more sensitive about it because I've put the effort into sorting it out.


              Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
              Thanks for the feedback.

              Unfortunately, going permie won't help because there are still credit checks to get a permanent position so I wouldn't get a job that way either - I know people who were asked to leave one finance institution after they had actually started.

              The mileage is sorted thanks (the extension would only take me to 21 months not 24).

              I've been contracting for 11 years and only had this one break which was due to extreme circumstances so am well used the pressures. The reason for the sleepless nights is because the company has introduced this retrospective check right out of the blue. I'm used to seeing writing on the wall for early terminations and also dealing with end of contracts but this is a bit different and maybe I'm a little more sensitive about it because I've put the effort into sorting it out.
              What they meant was permie in a place that does not require credit checks.



                1. has anyone been checked at extension stage and been terminated?
                Yes 4 people from the bank last week

                2. what are the legalities and do I have right of appeal?
                No appeals process your out

                3. any other advice?
                Write to the lenders you have satisfied and throw youeselve at there mercy, enclose a cheque for a couple of hundred to cover admin fees and tell them you will lose you job if they dont remove the CCJ.

                2 people i know have done this have had there CCJ removed (no skin off the lenders back) and cheques returned in full

                good luck


                  Just to ride off this thread....

                  I am about to complete a credit check for a new role, who do I put down as my current employer? My Ltd or ClientCo?

                  It requires a reference at that place of work, which I know they chase up, so if I put my Ltd down, would they just contact me?


                    Originally posted by chana7 View Post
                    Just to ride off this thread....

                    I am about to complete a credit check for a new role, who do I put down as my current employer? My Ltd or ClientCo?

                    It requires a reference at that place of work, which I know they chase up, so if I put my Ltd down, would they just contact me?

                    Your ClientCo is not your employer, your ltd is. What harm does it do, if they contact yourself for reference? You are only suppose to say, yes, Mr Chana7 has been with this company for x years and y months. That's it.

