I'm in IT and currently I'm being offered a position in the public sector inside IR35 via an agency and they gave me 2 options (exact wording):
Option 1. An umbrella route whereby you become an employee of the umbrella, with payroll taxes deducted at source.
Option 2. A payroll services route where you retain your PSC, with deemed payroll taxes deducted at source by the payroll supplier and the balance paid to your PSC.
I work primarily in IT and then I hustle on some IT projects of my own and one unrelated hobby. I was a sole trader so far and on my tax return used expenses for all that. But now things start becoming more complicated and more unclear as I just opened a Limited and happen to have a contract outside IR35..
I have a few income streams:
Tax year:
Expected expenses:
With all this in mind should I use an umbrella for the public sector 700/d gig or my Limited?
The agency provided a list of umbrellas and I spotted some holiday pay there but not sure if this has or should have any effect on my decision. I also spoke with an accountant from cheapaccountancy but he gave me a quite generic answer that "umbrellas are less admin".
Any help is deeply appreciated since I'm not sure where I can get an advice on this anymore. I'm sure many other people are struggling with this as well.
Option 1. An umbrella route whereby you become an employee of the umbrella, with payroll taxes deducted at source.
Option 2. A payroll services route where you retain your PSC, with deemed payroll taxes deducted at source by the payroll supplier and the balance paid to your PSC.
I work primarily in IT and then I hustle on some IT projects of my own and one unrelated hobby. I was a sole trader so far and on my tax return used expenses for all that. But now things start becoming more complicated and more unclear as I just opened a Limited and happen to have a contract outside IR35..
I have a few income streams:
- Very tiny outside IR35 gigs in IT. I did these as a sole trader but planning to use my Limited now.
- This contract. Long-term inside IR35 renewing contract with public sector starting end of summer.
- Pocket money from a side-hustle from my hobby - sole trader.
- 0 earning side projects. But I'll put the expenses for this under my Limited.
Tax year:
- Already made ~8k as a sole trader from IT projects.
- I will make about 5k in a small contract outside IR35 soon. Probably will go with my Limited.
- This initially 3mo contract inside IR35 @700/d extended to the end of tax year.
Expected expenses:
- Part of rent & bills (home office) + hardware for all outside IR35 gigs, side projects in IT.
- Part of rent & bills (home office) + hardware for my sole trader endeavour outside IT.
With all this in mind should I use an umbrella for the public sector 700/d gig or my Limited?
The agency provided a list of umbrellas and I spotted some holiday pay there but not sure if this has or should have any effect on my decision. I also spoke with an accountant from cheapaccountancy but he gave me a quite generic answer that "umbrellas are less admin".
Any help is deeply appreciated since I'm not sure where I can get an advice on this anymore. I'm sure many other people are struggling with this as well.