Within the past year, I have had charges brought up against me, the charges were either dismissed or discontinued. No charges made it to trial, however, for one of the charges i was found formally not guilty in a crown court before trial as there was no evidence, and the other three summary only offences were discontinued a month later before trial at a magistrates court. None of the charges were qualifying offences.
I have no previous convictions, however, I do have a caution for a minor theft from before the age of 16.
I have recently graduated and I am wondering what are my chances at obtaining SC clearance?
Will the recent charges be a problem? Will I have to declare them on the SC application although they did not lead to any convictions?
I know that I will have to declare my caution, but will this be a problem when it comes to clearance?
Thanks in advance
Within the past year, I have had charges brought up against me, the charges were either dismissed or discontinued. No charges made it to trial, however, for one of the charges i was found formally not guilty in a crown court before trial as there was no evidence, and the other three summary only offences were discontinued a month later before trial at a magistrates court. None of the charges were qualifying offences.
I have no previous convictions, however, I do have a caution for a minor theft from before the age of 16.
I have recently graduated and I am wondering what are my chances at obtaining SC clearance?
Will the recent charges be a problem? Will I have to declare them on the SC application although they did not lead to any convictions?
I know that I will have to declare my caution, but will this be a problem when it comes to clearance?
Thanks in advance