BA is a confidence trick
It's like smoking. Smokers start off enjoying smoking. Pretty soon they smoke just to get back to that feeling of normality, that they experienced before starting smoking. When they have a cigarette they enjoy not the cigarette but the freedom from anxiety caused smoking withdrawal. Once they understand that it's not the cigarette they enjoy but the outcome, they stop smoking and return to pre-smoking bliss with a pocket full of coins.
Before BAs came along we developers used to do the task as part of our job- just a different part of the development lifecycle- so you'd be doing lots of analysis one month and lots of code the next. Everything was going smoothly. Then BAs came along and took the analysis bit under the lie that developers shouldn't be talking to the business. Now, business thinks it relies on BAs. When a BA is not involved they have to rough it and talk to a "blue collar" developer. But soon, they realise the outcome is better. And after a while they realise they don't need BAs anymore. Thus they are returned to a state of calm and they are financially better off too.
This is the trend in my market anyway.
It's like smoking. Smokers start off enjoying smoking. Pretty soon they smoke just to get back to that feeling of normality, that they experienced before starting smoking. When they have a cigarette they enjoy not the cigarette but the freedom from anxiety caused smoking withdrawal. Once they understand that it's not the cigarette they enjoy but the outcome, they stop smoking and return to pre-smoking bliss with a pocket full of coins.
Before BAs came along we developers used to do the task as part of our job- just a different part of the development lifecycle- so you'd be doing lots of analysis one month and lots of code the next. Everything was going smoothly. Then BAs came along and took the analysis bit under the lie that developers shouldn't be talking to the business. Now, business thinks it relies on BAs. When a BA is not involved they have to rough it and talk to a "blue collar" developer. But soon, they realise the outcome is better. And after a while they realise they don't need BAs anymore. Thus they are returned to a state of calm and they are financially better off too.
This is the trend in my market anyway.