Things have got worse than Suez, so as the gammons love a WW2 analogy, this is the nearest 20th century equivalent to the mess in parliament: Norway Debate - Wikipedia
The good news, is that that parliamentary debate in 1940 brought Churchill to the prime ministership. The bad news is that BoJo is the Tories' current Asda Smartprice Churchill offer. The best of the current bunch looks like Keir Starmer, or Dominic Grieve, but there's no obvious route for either of them to the PM position.
The good news, is that that parliamentary debate in 1940 brought Churchill to the prime ministership. The bad news is that BoJo is the Tories' current Asda Smartprice Churchill offer. The best of the current bunch looks like Keir Starmer, or Dominic Grieve, but there's no obvious route for either of them to the PM position.