Scientists now believe that Adulthood does not begin until the age of 30, as our brains are not fully developed until that age.
Adulthood begins at 30, brain scientists say | Irish Examiner
Adulthood begins at 30, brain scientists say - Evening Express
Adulthood begins at 30: Scientists say that our brains are not fully grown-up in our twenties | Daily Mail Online
In light of this new scientific fact should the UK now lead the world in raising the age at which someone is eligible to vote to 30. After all is your brain is not yet fully developed until the age of 30 have can you possibly know what you are voting for at an age earlier than that.
Adulthood begins at 30, brain scientists say | Irish Examiner
Adulthood begins at 30, brain scientists say - Evening Express
Adulthood begins at 30: Scientists say that our brains are not fully grown-up in our twenties | Daily Mail Online
In light of this new scientific fact should the UK now lead the world in raising the age at which someone is eligible to vote to 30. After all is your brain is not yet fully developed until the age of 30 have can you possibly know what you are voting for at an age earlier than that.