Surely we have seen the adverts claiming that the 80% guaranteed take home is insurance backed, often Lloyds backed, so you cannot possibly lose. The recent one involving Gary Barlow was insurance backed, so he should be fine, right?
Icebreaker threatens to sue Deloitte | AccountingWEB
Given that most avoidance schemes at this end of the scale are on such a knife-edge legal wise, presumably insurers can pull this stunt whenever a scheme gets defeated.
So the insurance is like an umbrella which only works when the sun is shining.
Icebreaker threatens to sue Deloitte | AccountingWEB
Taylor adds: "Based on correspondence from the insurers solicitors, it is clear that the insurer believes it was not provided with the relevant information. The insurer has voided the scheme and agreed to repay the premiums.
So the insurance is like an umbrella which only works when the sun is shining.