Morning all, for me personally i think the time has come to try and sort this whole thing out. Im going to start making regular payments on account, there seems to be a certain inevitability about this whole thing now that the finance act will include up front payment. I would rather build some kind of buffer on account in case of the worst. If we eventually win happy days and i get my money back with a bit of interest albeit very small, however if they get hold of the money as an upfront payment, I dont expect to ever see that money again. The appeal process wont be speeded up, HMRC could hold the money for the next 20 years while the legal case runs its course.
Of course not suggesting anyone else takes this route but ive finally had enough of all this so want to start killing it off.
Of course not suggesting anyone else takes this route but ive finally had enough of all this so want to start killing it off.