Originally posted by OnYourBikeGB
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I feel the time to cross examine motives and fairness amongst many other themes, was during parliamentary debate, but alas it got through. .... after that it became and A1P1 debate, which as we all know was an up hill battle......
I was a little taken back at the SCs view .... but of course we got out of context sound bytes.... so who knows the full response, DR maybe you have more insight?
I do feel the MPs thing is pointless, as they are arguably worse than HMRC - just want to be on the side thats 'winning'.
So our.... or at least my hope is with the legal eagles of MP/PWC and whomever else....can some up with something.....
I can't help but think there is some legal angle/ loophole/ technicality that is there to shove it up HMRCs jacksy.... but we need a clever cloggs to weed it out..... alternatively someone clever enough and paid enough to weed it out......... reverse engineering works well sometimes... can we get the Tax genius that HMRC used who came up with the retrospective idea as I bet he also considered the risks that would undermine it or more importantly knew them......