Rubbish, it's a bearable rate for an employee, not for a freelance.
There's actually a hell of a lot to complain about with the ICT system, as used by BT and Loyds, among others. IT skills are not on the list of occupations for which Tier2 visas can be obtained, hence there is no way to come into this country to work in IT unless you are an EU national. The ICT is meant to be used to transfer temporarily skilled specialist staff from within the parent company. It is not meant to be used to bring in mickey mouse coders to replace local workers (and since there are local workers, where is the skill shortage anyway?)
Plus such ICT workers must be paid local market rate for the role. What they actually get is a nominal salary back home, a living allownce here, and a bonus structure. They do not pay UK taxes nor contribute much of anything to the UK economy.
The whole thing is a complete pisstake and totally agaisnt the spirit and wording of the legisaltion. Anything we can do to get it stopped is to be welcomed.
There's actually a hell of a lot to complain about with the ICT system, as used by BT and Loyds, among others. IT skills are not on the list of occupations for which Tier2 visas can be obtained, hence there is no way to come into this country to work in IT unless you are an EU national. The ICT is meant to be used to transfer temporarily skilled specialist staff from within the parent company. It is not meant to be used to bring in mickey mouse coders to replace local workers (and since there are local workers, where is the skill shortage anyway?)
Plus such ICT workers must be paid local market rate for the role. What they actually get is a nominal salary back home, a living allownce here, and a bonus structure. They do not pay UK taxes nor contribute much of anything to the UK economy.
The whole thing is a complete pisstake and totally agaisnt the spirit and wording of the legisaltion. Anything we can do to get it stopped is to be welcomed.