I have an AMD 64 x2 box that needs it's memory pimping big time. Reckon I needs DDR2 800 sticks, but willing to be proved wrong. How much can I stick in this box? Currently 2 Gb, trying to run a couple of VMs, that would need 2Gb each min. Do I just go to 8Gb? Will the dillithium crystals take it cap'n?
I have an AMD 64 x2 box that needs it's memory pimping big time. Reckon I needs DDR2 800 sticks, but willing to be proved wrong. How much can I stick in this box? Currently 2 Gb, trying to run a couple of VMs, that would need 2Gb each min. Do I just go to 8Gb? Will the dillithium crystals take it cap'n?