Originally posted by ASB
Just asking opinions on the most efficient and elegant way to achieve the following.
Hashtable wordMap = new Hashtable(); string[] words= <your array of words here>; foreach (string currentWord in words) { if (currentWord.Length > 0) { if (wordMap.ContainsKey(currentWord)) { wordMap[currentWord] = (int)wordMap[currentWord]+ 1; } else { wordMap.Add(currentWord, 1); } } } string[] wordNames = (string[])new ArrayList(wordMap.Keys).ToArray(typeof(string)); int[] wordFrequencies = (int[])new ArrayList(wordMap.Values).ToArray(typeof(int)); Array.Sort(wordFrequencies, wordNames); for (int currentWord = 0; currentWord < wordNames.Length; currentWord++) { Console.WriteLine((wordNames[currentWord])+("\t")+(wordFrequencies[currentWord].ToString())); }