I've been suffering a bit recently, mainly feeling that my eyes get very tired after too much computer use. My eyesight isn't too bad; mainly an astigmatism which means whilst there's nothing I can't do without glasses it makes it easier if I wear them. At the last test the optician advised it might be time for two pairs: one for distance and one for reading, so last week went back and spent the money and for the first time ever have two pairs. I was kind of hoping this would make all the problems go away, but when it comes to computer use I'm not sure the reading glasses are actually much better than the one pair I had before. They are better for reading a book, but as I have the habit of reading something in front of the TV I can't then lookup and watch TV anymore.
There must be some of you who've been a speccy four-eyes since childhood and use a computer all day, so I was wondering how you get on? Do you have normal glasses, or perhaps different glasses specifically for computer use? Or do you just man up and work through the headaches and blurred vision?
Or any other tips? I've turned down the brightness on my monitors, and I've read that reducing the blue level works too. I've been trying out a VisualStudio dark scheme but I'm not sure I can get on with that and makes me think I've gone back to the 70s.
There must be some of you who've been a speccy four-eyes since childhood and use a computer all day, so I was wondering how you get on? Do you have normal glasses, or perhaps different glasses specifically for computer use? Or do you just man up and work through the headaches and blurred vision?
Or any other tips? I've turned down the brightness on my monitors, and I've read that reducing the blue level works too. I've been trying out a VisualStudio dark scheme but I'm not sure I can get on with that and makes me think I've gone back to the 70s.