Originally posted by webberg
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As I said in my PM, I'm only here to help. Umbrella companies do serve a purpose in the industry, but may not suit everyone's requirements. Unfortunately, some agencies and clients don't advertise rates clearly and temporary workers then have different expectations on what they will earn. If all agencies correctly uplifted the umbrella rate to include employment costs, then I don't think anyone would have any issues with umbrella employment.
I have highlighted a couple of issues.
Where the income WILL be more than the PA limit then the illustration SHOULD be adjusted or the individual TOLD IN VERY CLEAR TERMS that the quoted value is not the final take home. (In my opinion).
Where the income WILL be more than the PA limit then the illustration SHOULD be adjusted or the individual TOLD IN VERY CLEAR TERMS that the quoted value is not the final take home. (In my opinion).
Most clients will NOT regard the numbers as an illustration but rather a PROMISE. Perhaps they should not, but they do. This is part of the equation that produces the problem. (Again in my opinion).
And not all workers are clued up on tax codes and how things work. So if the calculation is based on one set of circumstances, and then HMRC advises the company of a different tax code which reduces the worker's income, that's outside anyone's control but it's the worker who feels aggrieved.
Kind regards
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