Originally posted by PorkPie
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Susan: Arrggghhhh!!!
Alan: No I'm a zombie, I'm dressed as a zombie, I'm Alan Partridge!
Michael: Well can you come out please, Mr Partridge, because guests are not allowed behind reception.
Alan: Alright, alright. Look its just a joke, okay? It's backfired.
Ben: Is that blood?
Alan: It's tomato ketchup.
Susan: Why have you got a shower curtain round your neck.
Alan: I'm a zombie, I don't know, it's supposed to be a flap of skin or something.
Susan: Did you pull that off one of the showers?
Alan: No, I checked all the rings to make sure I could reattach them after, nothing has been damaged!
Michael: Why've you got biscuits sellotaped to your face?
Alan: There complimentary, its supposed to be flaky skin. I'm a zombie.
Sophie: What's that between your legs?
Alan: Its a flex of a mini kettle, its supposed to be a tail.
Sophie: Zombies don't have tails.
Alan: Alright, it's inconsistent. Zombies by their very nature are inconsistent, they're a mishmash of different bits.
Ben: Nah, that's Frankenstein.
Alan: Right, you've made two glaring errors!
Ben: What's that on your fingers?
Alan: They're tungsten-tip screws for claws. Right, error one - actually they're quite good for making a point aren't they? - error one, Frankenstein is the name of the creator, not the monster. Right error two right, Frankenstein is a zombie. Okay, he's a type of zombie. It;s like people when they say Tannoy when they mean public address system. Tannoy is a brand name. Why're you all staring at me? I'm not have a go at anyone, I'm having a pop at the undead. I mean do you see any upset zombies around?
Sophie: Just the one.
Alan: This country!
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