Originally posted by darmstadt
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The left hate the upper class or the wealthy they expect them to pay for society and previous imagined or real ancestral sins. They love ethnic diversity because they now have new needs to legislate for.
The right believe that we are responsible for our own destiny and we should get in there and make money. There are obvious exceptions of those not mentally or physically equipped for the fray.They do like to exploit us though.
The right believe you get to keep what is yours apart from a reasonable contribution to society.
The right hate shirkers & those that don't contribute.
That is pretty much it.
The extreme left will happily guillotine anyone who disagrees with them or enslave them in a dictatorship.
The Fascist Right will happily blame their problems on anyone not like them with no evidence and kill them for it.
Of course we aren't talking about them however much you try to smear us.
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