Originally posted by NotAllThere
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A Catholic would disagree with you and say there are 46 books in the OT, may I assume that you are of a protestant denomination as you claim there are 39?
There are over 50 versions (or translations) of the Bible in English alone and a chasm (simplified) where protestants dropped the aforementioned few chapters out of the "Catholic Bible" - so before we got too deep into this we would have to pick which one we are discussing. But how would we agree which is the authoratative one to discuss?
NAT I'll conceed the instuction manual part to you, which was an easy target as I said it as a response to a suggestion that the books of religion should not be considered. (To many fundamentalist Christians it is the instruction manual. A Jehovas Witness takes the blood part as such, but have cherry picked it ....)
However "Not all Christians view the Bible as the Word of God" compliments my main argument, which you seem to have dodged in your response.
The Bible is subject to interpretation by different sects of Christianity. Who arbitrates which sect is making the correct interpretation apart from the leader of each sect?
As one's personal beliefs can meander from the main doctrine (assuming their Church permits them to do this), who is arbitrating them? Some may argue God, some may argue the individual themselves.
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