Originally posted by Cyc1one
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MoO is not about taking time off whilst doing the role. There is a form of obligation to do the work in the contract/SoW that you've agreed to do. Them asking you not to come in to do work is more part of the T&M work we do. It's the same as you saying you aren't available to work (you don't ask a client for holidays really, you are just unavailable to work). MoO is about giving you more work once what you contracted for is complete. If you were a PM and they just gave you another project straight after and expected you to do it and you accepted it would be an indication of MoO. This is why a clear SoW for every piece of work is important.
Now if you are contracted in to a role as you indicated before then it's possible the working practices with regard to giving the next project after you've completed the current one have not changed and that's where you might have an issue. But as you say, furloughs is a financial risk that generally does not exist to permies. There is also D&C to think about in a situation like this.... but I'm sure you aren't working like this
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