Originally posted by Qdos Contractor
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I spoke to them directly, and also had my client chase them directly too.
Lessons learnt here (if I may point out) for QDOS company (not for the guy here in the forum ) :
1. Look through the request to see if the requester has already paid for same day service and has been dealt with already with the initial report with recommendations AND then check if the incoming request is just a "review of the amends" request, and if so, accommodate it the same day (having regard to the start date of the gig) (or even ask for a charge to pay - i would not mind)
But not doing either, and simply showing a different / horrible tone when dealing with your customers is not good!
2. If someone dealing with the review is off sick, please first have an automated email reply system setup whereby you let know the customer that the reviewer is off sick and won't be available for few days, AND that someone else in the team will pick it up as continuation AND actually have a system whereby the email thread is passed on to some one else in the team who is available to pick it up.
There is no point in keeping silent for days together and not replying (when emails are being sent by the customer reminding on this) and still be not friendly to them when they call up and chase up with requests.
I have always priased songs about QDOS for their services, but this time it has been a really difficult experience.
I am still yet to recover from my ordeal today... having to chase my client as well in all this ( at the 11th hour - i felt so silly)
It was so painful since it was not my bad planning... i planned it all so well 2 weeks well before sign off, so i had plenty of time for QDOS review, negotiations with client, amends, and re-review, etc.
But a lot of that time that I had planned was eaten away by silence from QDOS for days together (in spite of the fact that its a chase up after amends on a same-day service purchased)
Anyway, i still have to say QDOS are one of the best out there from my experience - subject to drawbacks I have noticed as above.
My mind is completely blank today after all these phone calls etc... I need to go and watch a comedy movie or something to get me cheer up!
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