To my family:
I do not care what flavours have been removed, added or restored to the selection available this year in a tin of Quality Street.
If I want to eat something, I shall do so - you only need offer once. If I am offered food and decline it on the grounds that I am full, there is no point offering me five alternative varieties of food - I am full, dammit.
If I want a drink, I shall get one - although the only reason I don't already have one is that all you teetotallers sit there staring me as if I'm about to rush out and lie in the gutter dressed in rags every time I take a sip.
I am not spending my time off getting a last-minute flight to New York, then flying back just in time to go back to work, for the sake of seeing how my sister has decorated her apartment.
Now leave me alone
I do not care what flavours have been removed, added or restored to the selection available this year in a tin of Quality Street.
If I want to eat something, I shall do so - you only need offer once. If I am offered food and decline it on the grounds that I am full, there is no point offering me five alternative varieties of food - I am full, dammit.
If I want a drink, I shall get one - although the only reason I don't already have one is that all you teetotallers sit there staring me as if I'm about to rush out and lie in the gutter dressed in rags every time I take a sip.
I am not spending my time off getting a last-minute flight to New York, then flying back just in time to go back to work, for the sake of seeing how my sister has decorated her apartment.
Now leave me alone
