Originally posted by pimpernell
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I've engaged with HMRC with the CLSO. From what I can work out they have only opened an enquiry for one year of one scheme and not two years of another scheme.
When I asked for a revised calculation including IHT (I said I'd be planning to get my loans written off via the trustees) then they quoted a calculation that included the two non-open (?) years for IHT.
They have all the numbers from me now. I want to get the IHT calculation broken down as I believe it's incorrect.
Webberg and others have suggested it's very sensible to engage with the settlement team as it shows good will on my part and a willingness to reach a settlement. This may become useful if the scheme provider looses in court and the question of penalties are included.
I've not had APNs for the two presumably non-open years. Not are they mentioned except in the IHT calculations in my CLSO.
The problem with the CLSO is that there is no statement of finality for the non-open years therefore settlement is not full and final for all three years I was involved in two (identical) schemes. If HMRC had took a clear position on this then the CLSO would be more attractive.