'Give up dairy to beat cancer': Leading scientist given just months to live changes her diet and is still alive nearly 20 years later | Mail Online
Wow a few minutes!
Science by revelation!, Ah but it wasn't the well researched conventional treatment it was cutting out the yoghurt.
A professor as well!
'Peter and I brainstormed the subject for just a few minutes and decided that it must be diet related. We then remembered two incidents.
The revelation inspired her to switch to a dairy-free, Asian-style diet.
'I decided I had nothing to lose by giving up the two low fat organic yoghurts I was eating a day each day,' she added.
She also cut out most animal protein such as meat, fish and eggs and banished all milk products.
Within six weeks - during which time she was undergoing more conventional treatment, including chemotherapy - the lump on her neck disappeared.
'I decided I had nothing to lose by giving up the two low fat organic yoghurts I was eating a day each day,' she added.
She also cut out most animal protein such as meat, fish and eggs and banished all milk products.
Within six weeks - during which time she was undergoing more conventional treatment, including chemotherapy - the lump on her neck disappeared.
A professor as well!