It's all about statistical control of populations isn't it ?
Seatbelts will infringe your freedom and cost you money, but we know statistically that they will save 20 lives per year. Not neccessarily YOUR life, but A life.
And it worked. Same with drink driving and motorbike helmets. You can see in the figures when certain measures were introduced.
Of course if the aim were to prevent deaths of cyclists, then bikes would be banned. No one would ever be injured riding a bike again. People would save money but it's a massive intrusion on freedom.
Thats the balance that I can see. a triangle . freedom vs cost vs benefit
you could reduce burglary in this country to near zero by introducing a 9 oclock curfew with a shoot on sight policy. impact on freedom - massive, cost - not much, benefit - middling
Seatbelts will infringe your freedom and cost you money, but we know statistically that they will save 20 lives per year. Not neccessarily YOUR life, but A life.
And it worked. Same with drink driving and motorbike helmets. You can see in the figures when certain measures were introduced.
Of course if the aim were to prevent deaths of cyclists, then bikes would be banned. No one would ever be injured riding a bike again. People would save money but it's a massive intrusion on freedom.
Thats the balance that I can see. a triangle . freedom vs cost vs benefit
you could reduce burglary in this country to near zero by introducing a 9 oclock curfew with a shoot on sight policy. impact on freedom - massive, cost - not much, benefit - middling