Yep, it's started. Yesterday one of the permies had a little party as he's leaving clientco to go contracting. He's set up with a nice shiny contract at <big Dutch electrical goods manufacturer> down the road where he'll be starting next week; I'll refer to him as Mr Sensible. Thing is, there's a recruitment 'drive' going on here to hire testers, while there are more permie testers leaving to go contracting than joining and they're having to fill the gaps with scummy contractors like me. The 'Quality Manager', (who's a bit of a twunt but luckily not someone I report to; we'll call him Mr ISO9000) told me he's very concerned about this and feels that some of the permies are being influenced by the contractors to leave and work for themselves and that may be the case with Mr Sensible, and that they've advertised a testing job for the last year and haven't had any responses. I told him he should speak to Mr Sensible himself and ask him what his reasons are and that I don't know; everyone will have their own reasons for going contracting. But then Mr ISO9000 said to me 'it's obvious why he's going; he wants more money! All you contractors make loads of money!' I just quietly said that in a good year we can do quite well and in a bad year it can be difficult, but there's more to it than money and it's everyone's individual decision, so I can't speak for Mr Sensible or any other contractor. Then he says 'but it must be financially attractive otherwise you wouldn't do it!' I sensed that this discussion was going the wrong way, so I said 'well, you really need to speak to Mr Sensible about this; it's none of my business'.
Happily a permie then started on about his rather tasty club sandwich and very helpfully changed the subject; thing is, he's been asking me all about contracting because he thinks it's what he wants to do, but I've been avoiding the subject. Just wondering what'll happen when he announces he's resigning. Another contractor here told me she's scared of parking her car (S6) in a space that's visible from the office and doesn't wear her watch to work any more because she's had lots of comments about rich contractors.
The crazy thing is; these permies are on good salaries and bonusses and have a huge number of days off each year; they are NOT your average poor permie types and are paid well above average for their jobs, so what are they whining about?
Anyway, I got here this morning and parked the Jag in full view of Mr ISO9000's office just to annoy him, which might not have been very sensible.
Just what is wrong with earning a bit more than the next person? It's not as if we live in serfdom in western Europe and can't make choices do anything about our circumstances.
Happily a permie then started on about his rather tasty club sandwich and very helpfully changed the subject; thing is, he's been asking me all about contracting because he thinks it's what he wants to do, but I've been avoiding the subject. Just wondering what'll happen when he announces he's resigning. Another contractor here told me she's scared of parking her car (S6) in a space that's visible from the office and doesn't wear her watch to work any more because she's had lots of comments about rich contractors.
The crazy thing is; these permies are on good salaries and bonusses and have a huge number of days off each year; they are NOT your average poor permie types and are paid well above average for their jobs, so what are they whining about?
Anyway, I got here this morning and parked the Jag in full view of Mr ISO9000's office just to annoy him, which might not have been very sensible.
Just what is wrong with earning a bit more than the next person? It's not as if we live in serfdom in western Europe and can't make choices do anything about our circumstances.