Here's a little story to cheer you up. A few months ago I got contacted by a recruitment agent out of the blue for a development role that fitted me like a glove, technology wise as well as softer skills (Agile etc). Agent sounded very keen. So I bang off my CV and hear nothing for a week. After chasing up the agent finally comes back to me with 'We are not continuing your application to Company XXX as the list of previous companies you have on your CV don't match what they are looking for'! The agent was a bit of a rookie in my books as she let slip the name of the company in that mail... so I sent my CV direct to the companies HR department. One technical test, phone interview and face to face and they offer me the role. Best part is that I am getting 15% more than the top rate the agent was offering as no one is taking a cut of my daily rate.
Anyone else managed to get one over em?
Anyone else managed to get one over em?