Opinions wanted on the possible replacement to the Conduct of Agency Regulations. I hope they don't push for an Op-Out this time, but it looks like the propoganda is already starting.
No, they are not considered "vulnerable agency workers", they are considered protected by this law, whether or not they may be vulnerable. My contracts and the way I do business is what distinguishes me and my company from a temp. When one particular agency tried to sell me on opting out now with the line "This doesn't really apply to you as it's aimed at temps" my response was "If it doesn't apply to me then it doesn't matter if I opt out or remain in then does it? If a law doesn't apply to me then I don't need to recognise it, even if there are options as to whether someone else can use it. If you think the regulations don't apply to me and I try to enforce them later then you could argue that in court." The fact that I had already been introduced to the client, and received an offer direct from the client, with the agency copied on the email, didn't seem to phase them, but eventually they caved in.
Opinions wanted on the possible replacement to the Conduct of Agency Regulations. I hope they don't push for an Op-Out this time, but it looks like the propoganda is already starting.
If these new proposals on the “Conduct Regulations” do not provide a similar exemption, then a situation is created where freelancers are considered vulnerable agency workers under one piece of legislation, but not under another.