ING firing 2350. Announced this morning after apparently unsatisfactory rise in profits.
CEO says ''Het is pijnlijk om vandaag zulke maatregelen te moeten aankondigen'', or 'it is painful to have to announce these measures today'. Painful, sure, you lying piece of tulip. OK, maybe it is necessary, but don't go saying it's 'painful'; it's painful for the people lose their jobs and have to wonder how to pay the bills, not for the man who gets millions in bonusses for making them unemployed.
CEO says ''Het is pijnlijk om vandaag zulke maatregelen te moeten aankondigen'', or 'it is painful to have to announce these measures today'. Painful, sure, you lying piece of tulip. OK, maybe it is necessary, but don't go saying it's 'painful'; it's painful for the people lose their jobs and have to wonder how to pay the bills, not for the man who gets millions in bonusses for making them unemployed.