Just got 3 days in a room in an industrial estate outside Milan with 3 countries represented - one who developed the tool, the other two who are hoping to adopt. The workshop organiser now can't make it, and I'm the only 'systems' person, apart from the non-English speaking developer who is only there on day 3. AFAIK no-one has been nominated to lead the workshop, so has danger of veering around like an old lady driver on Suity's journey home unless someone keeps it focussed.
Plan at the moment is:
High level reqts down side, countries across top. Fill in boxes as I go (although my focus is on UK). I think that's probably as much as I can achieve given the format.
Still, at least I can look forward to some good pizza.
Just got 3 days in a room in an industrial estate outside Milan with 3 countries represented - one who developed the tool, the other two who are hoping to adopt. The workshop organiser now can't make it, and I'm the only 'systems' person, apart from the non-English speaking developer who is only there on day 3. AFAIK no-one has been nominated to lead the workshop, so has danger of veering around like an old lady driver on Suity's journey home unless someone keeps it focussed.
Plan at the moment is:
High level reqts down side, countries across top. Fill in boxes as I go (although my focus is on UK). I think that's probably as much as I can achieve given the format.
Still, at least I can look forward to some good pizza.