Had the old garage demolished and a new concrete base put down 3 weeks ago ready for a prefab garage to be erected.
So they turn up today to build it and the base isn't oriented as it should be so we either put it up and it looks crap or we wait til they can put some more concrete down and get it done as is should have been in the first place.
So it another couple of week wait.
F'ing h3ll!!!!
Luckily I've been able to WFH so no money lost.
So they turn up today to build it and the base isn't oriented as it should be so we either put it up and it looks crap or we wait til they can put some more concrete down and get it done as is should have been in the first place.
So it another couple of week wait.
F'ing h3ll!!!!
Luckily I've been able to WFH so no money lost.