Originally posted by Bitbucket
She says that the child was planned for November, so yes it was planned!! I'm all for people taking a risk, but you have to accept that you took a risk and it bombed, and not expect someone to bail you out! Do you think Alan Sugar has ever expected anyone to bail him out? Always worth asking but accept that you have no devine right to expect people to help...
You are right, she can't be held responsible for the bombings, but she can be held responsible for not planning for the unexpected. I went into business earlier this year and have a years salary in the bank just in case...now if on a whim I decided to use that money on fancy premises and fancy laptops and maybe a couple of staff because right now things are good, would you have any sympathy for me if in 6 months time I was skint and didn't have any work because the retail market crashed? Bad luck is normally bad planning!
I worked damn hard to get my emergency fund and I wouldn't go it alone until I had it...I accept that many people are happier to take risk than me and probably 80% of the people on here have gone it alone without the slush and taken the risk...but if it all goes Pete Tong then I'm pretty sure they will take it on the chin and not blame bad luck!!
This woman must employ people through her restaurant so she has a responsibility to those people to make sure she has a solid business case and every businessman I have ever met has told me that I should not expect to make a profit in the first year...
It's 11.30pm where I am right now and this is still pissing me off...the woman just wants to blame everything and everyone but herself...if she accepted she made a mistake, and she sold her 2 buy-to-lets and her restaurant and her husband got a normal job and she took a part time job in the evenings or weekends, and then she asked for help then I would respect her and who knows, I might even give her a couple of quid!!! But oh no, she just wants everyone else to sort out her mess!