education, education, education
I would educate people not to jerk around with el presidente (moi)
I would scrap the one thing that brings mismanagement, corruption, lobbying, vested interests and professional liars to this country - the political system.
Government by elected representitives had it's day, but that day has gone.
In the age of the interweb, there is no reason why every citizen cannot have a direct say in every decision, even if it is a default position.
I would get nick fitz and a few contractors working on it on day 1. working direct. no agents.
el presidente
I would educate people not to jerk around with el presidente (moi)
I would scrap the one thing that brings mismanagement, corruption, lobbying, vested interests and professional liars to this country - the political system.
Government by elected representitives had it's day, but that day has gone.
In the age of the interweb, there is no reason why every citizen cannot have a direct say in every decision, even if it is a default position.
I would get nick fitz and a few contractors working on it on day 1. working direct. no agents.
el presidente