After 5 years in IT Investment Banking I'm comfortable with a move to contracting but have concerns about the fact that I use a wheelchair and that this may affect my employability.
As a Permie I have all sorts of laws covering me as I'm sure I do as a contractor but my concern is that at interview stage or earlier I'll simply be discriminated against over someone abled bodied. I'm pretty sharp at getting people chilled n over it but still...
Sticking with the big banks is the best thing to do but I'm interested in any feeling/experiences on this folks here may have.
Ta muchly
As a Permie I have all sorts of laws covering me as I'm sure I do as a contractor but my concern is that at interview stage or earlier I'll simply be discriminated against over someone abled bodied. I'm pretty sharp at getting people chilled n over it but still...
Sticking with the big banks is the best thing to do but I'm interested in any feeling/experiences on this folks here may have.
Ta muchly