Workplace study finds it doesn’t pay to be nice
Nice guys do not necessarily finish last but will finish a distant second in the pay stakes, a US-based study into earnings and agreeableness has found.
Unveiling their findings, researchers at New York’s Cornell University showed that agreeable workers take home considerably less than their harder-nosed colleagues.
Although so-called ‘nice gals’ also receive thinner pay packets, the earnings gap between ‘agreeable’ and ‘disagreeable’ in men emerged as much more marked.
Or as delegates at the Academy of Management were told, on being presented with the findings this week “disagreeable guys simply leave agreeable ones in the dust.”
So whereas agreeable women are £1,115 worse off than their more challenging peers each year, men are down approximately £6,000 over the same period, the study found.
Based on data taken over 20 years in multiple surveys, the findings show ‘agreeable’ ‘warm’ ‘friendly’ or even ‘helpful’ types earn “significantly less,” particularly if they are male.
Source: Workplace study finds it doesn
I feel sorry for cojak though
Nice guys do not necessarily finish last but will finish a distant second in the pay stakes, a US-based study into earnings and agreeableness has found.
Unveiling their findings, researchers at New York’s Cornell University showed that agreeable workers take home considerably less than their harder-nosed colleagues.
Although so-called ‘nice gals’ also receive thinner pay packets, the earnings gap between ‘agreeable’ and ‘disagreeable’ in men emerged as much more marked.
Or as delegates at the Academy of Management were told, on being presented with the findings this week “disagreeable guys simply leave agreeable ones in the dust.”
So whereas agreeable women are £1,115 worse off than their more challenging peers each year, men are down approximately £6,000 over the same period, the study found.
Based on data taken over 20 years in multiple surveys, the findings show ‘agreeable’ ‘warm’ ‘friendly’ or even ‘helpful’ types earn “significantly less,” particularly if they are male.
Source: Workplace study finds it doesn
I feel sorry for cojak though